Welcome to the KDT Calls 2023

​KDT JU opens 3 concurrent Calls in 2023

Call Documents Access to the Call Documents via these links (also available through the Funding and Tenders Portal): 


- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA-Topic-1- Global call according to SRIA 2023 (IA)
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA-Focus-Topic-2- Focus topic 6G Integrated Radio Front-End for TeraHertz Communications (IA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA- Focus-Topic-3-Focus topic on Integration of trustworthy Edge AI technologies in complex      heterogeneous components and systems (IA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA- Focus-Topic-4- Focus Topic on Electronic Control Systems (ECS) for management & control of decentralized energy supply & storage (IA)


- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-2-RIA-Topic-1- Global call according to SRIA 2023 (RIA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-2-RIA - Focus Topic 2- Focus Topic on Hardware abstraction layer for a European Vehicle Operating System (RIA) 


- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-IA-Topic-1-Improving the global demand supply forecast of the semiconductor supply chain (IA)
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-CSA-Topic-2- Pan-European network for Advanced Packaging made in Europe (CSA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-CSA-Topic-3- Coordination of the European software-defined vehicle platform (CSA)

Who can participate?

The KDT JU Programme is open to any organisation that can make a contribution to the RD&I objectives of the programme. However, there are specific eligibility criteria relevant in the each KDT JU Participating State: these are listed in the KDT JU Work Programme 2023 (see below). More information for the Swiss applicants interested to participate in KDT Calls 2023 (All Actions) is available here: International tenders (innosuisse.ch) 

​Call Documents

Access to the Call Documents via these links (also available through the Funding and Tenders Portal):

For reference: 


There are no updates at the moment.


The Calls 2023-1-IA and 2023-2-RIA will be two-stage calls 

Publication date: 07 February2023 
• Deadline (Project Outline (PO) phase): at 17:00:00 Brussels time on 03 May 2023 
• Deadline (Full Project Proposal (FPP) phase): at 17:00:00 Brussels time on 19 September 2023

The Calls 2023-3 CSA-IA will be single-stage calls with submission of Full Project Proposal (FPP) 

• Publication date: 7 February 23 
• Deadline (FPP proposals): at 17:00:00 Brussels time on 03 May 2023 

General Calls Information 

To submit a project proposal, applicants must use the on-line tools provided for this purpose by the European Commission through its “Funding and Tenders Portal”, which can be accessed through the Calls pages (pages become available on the day the Calls are opened): 

LINKs TO THE Submission portal (to be provided later)

-  HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA-Topic-1- Global call according to SRIA 2023 (IA)
-  HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA-Focus-Topic-2- Focus topic 6G Integrated Radio Front-End for TeraHertz Communications (IA) o HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA- Focus-Topic-3-Focus topic on Integration of trustworthy Edge AI technologies in complex heterogeneous components and systems (IA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA- Focus-Topic-4- Focus Topic on Electronic Control Systems (ECS) for management & control of decentralized energy supply & storage (IA) 

-  HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-2-RIA-Topic-1- Global call according to SRIA 2023 (RIA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-2-RIA - Focus Topic 2- Focus Topic on Hardware abstraction layer for a European Vehicle Operating System (RIA) 

- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-IA-Topic-1-Improving the global demand supply forecast of the semiconductor supply chain (IA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-CSA-Topic-2- Pan-European network for Advanced Packaging made in Europe (CSA) 
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-3-CSA-Topic-3- Coordination of the European software-defined vehicle platform (CSA) All the documents related to the KDT JU Calls for Proposals 2023 are provided for the applicants’ convenience in the Calls 2023 Documents section on this web page as well as in the Calls Pages in the Funding and Tenders Portal. However, the templates (editable documents) for the proposal submission can only be downloaded from the Calls Pages in the Funding and Tenders Portal when a draft proposal is created – models (pdf files) are provided just for the applicants’ information. Applicants are advised to check the Guide for Applicants to KDT JU Calls for Proposals before preparing and submitting their proposal (the Guide will become available on the calls opening date). 

All the documents related to the KDT JU Calls for Proposals 2023 are provided for the applicants’ convenience in the Calls 2023 Documents section on this web page as well as in the Calls Pages in the Funding and Tenders Portal. However, the templates (editable documents) for the proposal submission can only be downloaded from the Calls Pages in the Funding and Tenders Portal when a draft proposal is created – models (pdf files) are provided just for the applicants’ information. Applicants are advised to check the Guide for Applicants to KDT JU Calls for Proposals before preparing and submitting their proposal (the Guide will become available on the calls opening date).


The overall EU budget (JU contribution) for Calls 2023 is: € 317.7 million.

Estimated expenditures:

The table below show the current figures of the KDT Participating States (PS) commitments included in the KDT JU Work Programme 2023, as well as all updates received from them in the meantime. (All numbers € million).

National Budgets for the call 2023

The Industry Associations, members of KDT JU, maintain a Collaboration Tool. This can be accessed at https://ecscollaborationtool.eu/

(1) For FR: this amount is not a dedicated budget for KDT projects, but an estimation of the ability of French partners within KDT projects to obtain the national co-funding through public funding mechanisms existing in France, as it is described in the French rules for eligibility For DE: Total 16.0 for IA Calls T1, T3 and T4 plus total 16.0 for RIA Calls

The budgetary figures given are indicative. The total public funds awarded by the KDT Joint Undertaking to projects arising from the Calls 2023. following the evaluation and selection of proposals, may differ from the total budget indicated above.

Collaboration Tool

The Industry Associations, members of KDT JU, maintain a Collaboration Tool. This can be accessed at https://ecscollaborationtool.eu/

Guidelines / Calls HelpDesk 

Information specific to the KDT calls can be found in the Guide for applicants to KDT JU Calls for proposals document (see the Calls 2023 Documents section). For any further inquiry/questions, applicants are advised to contact the KDT Calls Team (email below) indicating how we can get back to you (email, phone number). Note that any personal information that you may provide in this way will only be used to contact you with reference to your inquiry/questions. Contact us Email: calls@kdt-ju.europa.eu